Don's Computer Apps Ideas

See What I Think!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

9th and 10th Week

During these two weeks, we will be looking at podcasts, vodcasts, and mobile learning devices. In many ways, I think podcasts are a good way to help kids with the common things. Those things we keep repeating that seem like they never stick beaten their ears. Like my example of the factoring rules. These are things they know, but every once in a while, reminding them doesn’t hurt. You can hear my podcast by clicking on the play button on the Gcast player on the side bar. I could see as a math teacher including possibly the methods of “FOIL” or any other algorithmic event that they could perform the steps with if they had the visual in front of them. This would give the kids a resource to use that is far more relevant to their lifestyle.

I think the vodcast could be used for any type of activity involving math. It would allow the kids to have a portable tutor. These would probably be most beneficial to use when a student needs to see the steps of a more complicated operation. Like, when they need to see completing the square, solving quadratic equations, or synthetic division.

The mobile learning devices best use is one I didn’t think of but am taking from one of my professors, and that is reminders and updates. I couldn’t think of a better way to inform and communicate with these kids than by using this method. The downside is I don’t now how it will work out at the high school level. Or, if I would want to take on the added headache, but it is something I will keep in mind.

Don Bates


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